On October 23,
1970, 50,260 acres of Petrified Forest National Park were designated as the
Petrified Forest National Wilderness. Two distinct units were set aside; 43,020
acres in the Painted Desert and another 7,240 acres in the Rainbow Forest. It
was the first wilderness area established in the National Park System under the
provisions of the Federal Wilderness Protection Act of 1964.
This act defines a
wilderness as an area "where earth and its community of life are untrammeled by
man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain." The building of roads
and the use of mechanized equipment within these areas are prohibited. To
explore the wilderness you must enter on foot or on horseback, and be prepared
to carry the provisions you will need for the length of your visit.
Backpacking and
day hiking are permitted in the Petrified Forest National Park and Wilderness.
In fact, the best way to truly enjoy this starkly beautiful area is to depart
from one of the trailheads and explore on your own. Following are some
regulations and suggestions to help you plan your visit.
You may day hike
almost anywhere in the park. There are some restricted areas however, so check
with a park ranger before departing. Day hiking does not require a permit, but
you must exit the park before the posted closing time.
Wilderness Backpacking
backpacking trips are allowed only in the Petrified Forest National wilderness.
A free permit must be obtained at least one hour before the park closes.
Permits may be obtained at the Painted Desert Visitor Center or the Rainbow
Forest Museum. If you wish to camp within the Painted Desert Wilderness, you
must depart from Kachina Point. Backpackers wanting to camp within the Rainbow
Forest need to get specific instructions from a ranger. There are no
established or marked trails in the wilderness. A topographical map and compass
are recommended.
A permit is
required to ride or pack in the wilderness. However, water and food are not
available for your horse. Grazing is not permitted on the scarce desert
vegetation as it is damaging to the fragile desert environment. Pressed pellet
feed is preferable to grain because it provides complete nourishment and does
not compete with native vegetation if spilled.
for a Safe Trip
When hiking during
the summer, remember to rest frequently, wear a hat that protects you from the
sun, and watch for symptoms of heat related illness. Excessive perspiration,
cool clammy skin, feeling light headed or nauseous, may indicate heat
exhaustion. If not treated, heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke which is
life threatening and indicated by hot, dry red skin and anxious or irrational
behavior. Treatment includes getting into a shaded area and cooling exposed
skin areas with wet cloths.
thundershowers build quickly in the desert, drenching unprepared hikers. Such
soaking makes hypothermia a real possibility even in the summer. Hypothermia
results when the body cannot keep itself warm. Early symptoms are shivering,
drowsiness, and fatigue. The patient should be given dry clothing, hot drinks,
and be protected from the wind, rain and cold. In the event of an emergency,
contact a park ranger.
Only Footprints
Whether day hiking
or backpacking, please take time to ask at any visitor area about Petrified
Forest National Park's regulations. These restrictions were developed to
prevent environmental damage, and violators may be fined under federal law. DO
NOT collect or displace any natural or cultural object you may find during your
hike. Backpackers be aware there are further regulations concerning prohibition
of fires and other issues. Be sure you understand these regulations when you
receive your required overnight permit!
Printed by permission Petrified Forest
National Park; Michele Hellickson, Superintendent
Petrified Forest Home Page
Prehistoric Man In the Petrified Forest Holbrook, City of the Petrified