White Mountains Online

Ghost of the Coyote Trail #641


Arizona's White Mountains

Elevation: 6,200 - 6,000 feet.

Season: Early spring to early winter

Use: Light

Length: 16 miles

Difficulty: Difficult for hiking. Moderate for horses. Difficult for bikes.

Attractions and Considerations: Ghost of the Coyote covers more than fifteen miles of the most beautiful pinon-juniper forest on the district. Fascinating plants abound including several types of cacti, yucca, agave, and wildflowers. There are also many impressive specimens of Utah and Alligator Juniper as well as plenty of pinon pine trees which yield delicious pine nuts. This trail is an excellent way to explore a fascinating ecosystem.

In the distant past, indigenous peoples were apparently fond of this area as well. There are several sites in the area where evidence of past occupation may be found such as pottery shards, stone tools, and the foundations of dwellings. Federal law prohibits the excavation or removal of artifacts from these sites. Each site is like a history book that has yet to even be opened. It tells the story of all the creatures, events and people that have passed over the place. If we remove one artifact, then we have effectively left a gaping hole in an otherwise complete history book.

Access and trailhead location: From Show Low Post Office drive west on AZ 260 8.1 miles. Turn right on Burton Road. Drive 1.1 miles north. Trailhead is on left just past cattleguard.

Suggestions: Bring Your Own Water!
Trail Markers:
Y(ellow)=Short Loop
T(urquoise)=Trail Marker

Ghost of the Coyote Locator Map

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For more information, please feel free to contact:

  • TRACKS, c/o Town of Pinetop-Lakeside, Parks & Recreation Dept., 1360 N. Niels Hansen Road, Lakeside, Arizona 85929, Telephone: (928) 368-6700
  • USDA Forest Service, Lakeside Ranger District at928.368.5111 or you may write us at 2022 W. White Mtn. Blvd., Pinetop-Lakeside, Arizona 85935
White Mountains Online wishes to express our appreciation to the USDA Forest Service, Alpine District for providing this information!
For more information, please feel free to contact the USDA Forest Service, Alpine Ranger District at 520.339.4384 or you may write us at P.O. Box 469 Alpine, Arizona 85920