White Mountains Online

Blackbirds, Orioles, Etc.


Bobolink Migratory Rare n/a Grassland
Red-winged Blackbird Permanent Resident Common * Aquatic
Eastern Meadowlark Migratory Rare n/a Grassland
Western Meadowlark Permanent Resident Common n/a Grassland, Pinon-Juniper
Yellow-headed Blackbird Summer Fairly Common * Aquatic
Brewer's Blackbird Permanent Resident Common * Pinon-Juniper, Ponderosa
Great-tailed Grackle Permanent Resident Fairly Common * Aquatic
Brown-headed Cowbird Permanent Resident Fairly Common n/a Grassland, Pinon-Juniper, Ponderosa
Hooded Oriole Summer Rare * Desert scrub
Northern Oriole ("Bullock's" ) Summer Fairly Common n/a Pinon-Juniper, Ponderosa, Mixed Conifer
Pine Grosbeak Migratory Rare n/a Mixed Conifer, Spruce-Fir
Cassin's Finch Permanent Resident Fairly Common n/a Pinon-Juniper, Ponderosa, Mixed Conifer, Spruce-Fir
House Finch Permanent Resident Common n/a Desert Scrub, Pinon-Juniper, Ponderosa
Red Crossbill Summer Uncommon n/a Ponderosa, Mixed Conifer, Spruce-Fir
Pine Siskin Permanent Resident Common n/a Pinon-Juniper, Ponderosa, Mixed Conifer
Lesser Goldfinch Permanent Resident Fairly Common n/a Desert Scrub, Grassland, Pinon-Juniper, Ponderosa, Mixed Conifer
American Goldfinch Permanent Resident Rare n/a Pinon-Juniper
Evening Grosbeak Permanent Resident Fairly Common n/a Ponderosa, Mixed Conifer
Starling Permanent Resident Common n/a Grassland, Pinon-Juniper, Ponderosa
House Sparrow Permanent Resident Common n/a Desert Scrub, Grassland, Pinon-Juniper, Ponderosa

Information Courtesy: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southwestern Region & White Mountain Audubon Society.
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