Assembly of God
- 514 W. Main St. (Senior Citizens' Center) Payson.
- Assembly of God
- Hwy 73, Cedar Creek
- Phone: 338-4459
- Assembly of God Church
- Apache Hwy 4, Canyon Day
- Phone: 338-4577
- Assembly of God
Church - Carrizo
- Assembly of God Church - Cibecue
- Assembly of God Church - McNary
- Assembly of God Church - Pinetop/Lakeside
- 184 W. White Mtn. Blvd.
- Phone: 367-0141
- Assembly of God Church - Springerville
- 1418 E. 1st, Springerville
- Phone: 333-2660
- Assembly of God Church - Whiteriver
- Hwy 73, Whiteriver
- Phone: 338-4441
- First Assembly of God
- 451 N. 18th Pl., Show Low, AZ
- Phone: 537-4265
- St. John's Assembly of God
- 1490 W. Cleveland, St. Johns
- Phone: 337-4221
- White Mountain Assembly of God
- 8320 Lone Pine Dr. Show Low
- Phone: 532-5245
- Calvary Baptist Church
- 241 E. McNeil, P.O. Box 2287, Show Low, AZ 85901
- Phone: (928) 537-7555
- Pastor Stephen C. Hair
- Welcome to the friendliest church in the White
Mountains! Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. ~ Worship Service
10:45 a.m. ~ Evening Service 6:00 p.m. ~ Wednesday Service
6:30 p.m. ~ Youth Fellowship Wednesday 6:30 p.m. ~ College
Bible Study Thursday 7:00 a.m.
- Calvary Chapel of Payson
- 1103 N. Beeline Hwy. at Sherwood Dr.
- Phone 468-0801.
- Desert Pines Baptist Assoc
- 1016 S Main. Snowflake
- Phone: 536-7200
- First Baptist Church (SBC)
- 700 N. Central Ave (3 blocks from Show Low High School)
Show Low, AZ 85901
- Phone: (928) 537-4749
- Pastor: Rik Danielsen
- Sunday School 9:45 a.m. ~ Morning Worship Service 11:00
a.m. ~ Discipleship Studies 6:00 p.m. ~ Wednesday Bible
Study 6:30 p.m.
- First Baptist Church (SBC) - Overgaard
- 2727 Church Ln. Overgaard
- Pastor Rick Butterworth
- Bible Studies on Sundat at 8:45 and 11:30 with Worship
Service on Sunday at 11:00 AM
- Phone 535-4483
- First Baptist Church (SBC) - Pinetop/Lakeside
- 820 N. Moonridge Dr. Pinetop-Lakeside
- Phone: 367-4543
- First
Baptist Church (SBC) - Pinetop/Lakeside
- 1963 E. White Mtn. Blvd., Pinetop-Lakeside
- Phone: 367-0766
- First Baptist Church, Show Low
- 700 N Central Ave. Show Low
- Phone: 537-4729.
- First Baptist Church (SBC) - St. Johns
- 1445 W. 4th North, St. Johns
- Phone: 337-4839
- First Baptist Church (SBC) - Springerville
- 142 S. Mountain Ave., Springerville
- Phone: 536-4479
- First Baptist Church (SBC) - Snowflake
- 309 S. 1st Snowflake, Az
- Phone: 536-4479
Wilderness Baptist Church (SBC) - Vernon
- Located next to the U.S. Post Office in Vernon
- Phone: (928) 532-1272 or (928) 333-5940
- First Baptist Church (Independent/Fundamental)
- 303 W. Main St., 474-3530.
- Payson.
- First Baptist Church of Pine
- First Church of the Nazarene
- 114 E. Cedar Lane,
- Phone: 474-5890.
- East Verde Baptist Church
- Houston Mesa Road at Whispering Pines Control Road,
- 474-9385.
- Jesus First Baptist Community Church
- 138 N Hwy 180. Eager
- Phone: 333-5950
- Old West Chapel
- 241 E McNiel. Show Low
- Phone 537-7555
- Ponderosa Baptist Church
- 1107 N. Beeline Hwy., Now meeting at Manzanita Manor,
807 W. Longhorn Rd.
- 474-9279 (office).
- Punkin Center Baptist Church
- #1 McLennan Dr., Tonto Basin.
- (928) 479-2216,
- Rim Country Baptist Church
- 1500 E Thornton. Show Low
- Phone: 537-1120
- Silver Creek Community Bible Church
- 311 S 1st St E. Snowflake
- Phone 536-4479
- Star Valley Baptist Church
- 4 miles east of Payson on Hwy. 260,
- 474-5557.
- Souther Baptist Church
- 42926 Hwy 180. Alpine
- Phone: 339-4700.
- Southern Baptist Church- Valley View
- 301 N 1st St E. Snowflake
- Phone: 536-2327
- Tonto Village Chapel
- 17 miles East of 87 on Hwy 260, then 1 mile West on
Control Rd.
- 474-0951.
- White Mountain Apache Baptist Church
- Whiteriver
- Phone: 338-4310
- White Mountain Lake Community Baptist Church
- 8320 Lone Pine Dam Dr. Show Low
- Phone: 532-2947
- Young Baptist Church
Bible Churches
- White
Mountain Bible Church
- Nutrioso Bible Church
- 7 County Road 2112, Alpine Az
- P.O. Box 125 Nutrioso, Arizona 85932
- Calvary Bible Fellowship
- Snowflake
- Phone: 536-7571.
- Calvary Hill Christian Fellowship
- 1233 Fawnbrook Dr units E & F. Show Low
- Phone: 242-5202.
Bible Missionary Churches
- Arizona Bible Mission Church
- Concho Road, Snowflake, Arizona
- Phone: 536-7022
- Our Lady of the Snows
Catholic Church
- 1654 S. Main St., Snowflake, AZ 85937
- Phone (928) 563-5449, Fax (928) 536-5852
- Catholic Church
- 3048 Hwy 277. Heber-Overgaard.
- Phone 535-5329.
- Catholic Church
- 1655 S Main. Snowflake
- Phone 536-4559.
- Franciscan Sisters Convent - Pinetop/Lakeside
- Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church
- 3048 Hwy 277, Heber, AZ
- Phone: 535-5329
- St. Anthony's - McNary
- St. Catherine's - Cibecue
- St. Catherine's - Concho
- 35411 US Hwy. 180A, St. Johns
- Phone: 337-2515
- St. Francis - Whiteriver
- St. Helena Catholic Church
- 42909 US Hwy 180, Alpine, AZ
- Phone: 339-4363
- St. John's Catholic Church
- 203 E. Commercial St., St. Johns, AZ
- Phone: 337-3490
- St. John the Baptist
- 95 S. 2nd East, St. Johns
- Phone: 337-4461
- St. Katherines Roman Catholic Church - Cibecue
- St. Mary's Convent
- 2017 S Penrod Ln. Pinetop
- Phone: 367-6632
- St. Mary of the Angels
- P.O. Box 819, Pinetop, Arizona 85935
- Phone: (928) 367-2080 ~ Fax: (928) 367-2085
- Father: Thomas R. Coleman ~ Sister Daria Herbella,
O.P., (928) 367-6632
- Masses (Daily) 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. ~ Saturday 9:00 & 5:30
~ Sunday (Winter) 10:00 & 5:00 ~ Sunday (Summer) 8:00 &
10:00 ~ Saturday Confessions 4:00 & 5:30 p.m.
- Call Parish Office for weekend schedule changes)
- St. Peter's Catholic Church
- 117 Apache, Springerville
- Phone: 333-4423
- Convent 223 E. Apache, Springerville ~ Phone 333-2112
- St. Rafael Catholic Church
- 35411 Hwy 180-A. Concho
- Phone: 337-2515.
- St. Rita's
- P.O. Box 1449, Show Low, Arizona 85901
- Phone: (928) 537-2543
- Father: Alberto Aveila
- Masses (Daily) 8:00 a.m. ~ Saturday 6:00 p.m. ~ Sunday
10:00 a.m. ~ (Spanish) 11:30 a.m. ~ Saturday Confessions
5:00 & 6:00 p.m.
- Calvary Hills Christian Fellowship
- 1233 Fawnbrook Dr. Unit E & F. Show Low
- Phone: 242-5202
- Living Faith Christian Center
- 505 S Main. Snowflake
- Phone: 536-2722
- Potter's House Chinle Christian Center
- Unity of the White Mountains
- 257 N Woodland Rd. Lakeside
- Phone:367-0822
- White Mountain Christian Church
- 2866 Tall Pine Rd. Show Low
- Phone: 537-7926
Church of Christ
- Show Low Church of Christ
- P.O. Box 232, 381 W. McNeil, Show Low, Az 85901
- Phone: (928) 537-2013
- Sunday Bible Classes 9:30 a.m. ~ Sunday Worship
Assembly 10:30 a.m. ~ Sunday Evening Assembly 5:00 p.m. ~
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
- Church of Christ
- 514 W. Wade St.
- Phone: 474-2096 or 474-4820.
- (school board room of administration bldg.).
- Church of Christ Payson
- 514 W. Wade St.
- Phone: 474-5149.
- 509 W. Frontier St.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- Clay Springs Chapel
- Highway 160. Clay Springs
- Phone: (928) 739-4379
- Eager Stake Bldg
- 135 N Main St. Eager
- Phone: (928) 333-5586
- Eager Chapel
- 150 N Aldrice Burk Dr. Eager
- Phone: (928) 333-4894 or 333-4525
- Heber Chapel
- Highway 260. Heber
- Phone: (928) 535-4744
- Lakeside Chapel
- 1520 Church Ln. Lakeside
- Phone: (928) 368-6177 or 368-6554
- Pinedale Chapel
- Highway 260
- Phone: (928) 739-4237
- Pinetop Chapel
- 4075 Buck Springs Rd. Pinetop
- Phone: (928) 369-2253 or (928) 369-2242
- Show Low Stake Center
- 1401 W. Deuce of Clubs Avenue, Show Low, Az 85901
- Phone: (928) 537-5224 or (928) 537-4943
- Snowflake Stake Center
- 9 S 2nd St. Snowflake
- Phone: (928) 536-7141
- Snowflake Chapel
- 48 N Main St. Snowflake
- Phone: (928) 536-7024
- Snowflake Chapel
- 2885 W Hwy 277. Snowflake
- Phone: (928) 536-7279
- Taylor Stake Center
- 309 W Willow Ln. Taylor
- Phone: (928) 536-4717
- Taylor Chapel
- 700 E Lovelake Rd. Taylor
- Phone: (928) 536-7435
- Vernon Chapel
- Downtown Chapel
- 300 N. 11th Street, Show Low, Az 85901
- Phone: (928) 537-4771 or (928) 537-4169
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- MOGOLLON WARD: Aero Drive and Ponderosa; 474-1245 or
474-6367; Missionaries 472-7956.
- PONDEROSA WARD: Aero Drive and Ponderosa; 468-8115;
Missionaries 472-7956.
- MANZANITA WARD: Aero Drive and Ponderosa; 474-8665;
Missionaries 468-8886.
- YOUNG ADULT BRANCH: 462-3326 or 462-3388.
Community Churches
- Grace Fellowship
- 2066 Hwy277. Overgaard
- Phone: (928) 535-5251
- New Life Community Church
- 601 S. Clark Rd., Show Low, AZ
- Phone: 537-4091
- Tsaile Community Church
- Tsaile
- Phone: (928) 724-3398
- White Mountain Lake Community Baptist Church
- 8320 Lone Pine Dr. White Mountain Lake
- Phone:532-2947
- The Episcopal Church of Our Savior
- P.O. Box 399, Pinetop, AZ 85935 (Turn on Show Low Road,
go past the lake approximately 1 mile on the left.)
- Phone: (928) 537-7830
- Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. ~ Holy Eucharist 10:00
a.m. ~ Church/Sunday School 10:00 a.m. ~ Nursery 10:00 a.m.
Jehovah's Witnesses
- Chinle Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
- Chinle
- Phone: (928) 674-5906
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Eagar
- 735 N. Eagar St., Eagar
- Phone: 333-5960
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Pinetop/Lakeside
- 257 N. Scanlon Ln., Pinetop-Lakeside
- Phone: 367-1943
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Show Low
- 201 E Wipple. Show Low Phone: 537-2017
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Payson
- Jehovah's Witnesses Congregation Espanol: 1616 N.
McLane, 474-8063,
- North Congregation, Payson: 1616 N. McLane, 474-8063,
- South Congregation, Payson: 1616 N. McLane, 474-8063,
- East Fork Lutheran Church
- 4325 Fort Apache Rd. East Fork
- Phone: (928) 338-4951
- Faith Lutheran Church
- 2750 Mogollon Dr. Overgaard
- Phone: (928) 535-9575
- Grace Church - A Contemporary Church with a Lutheran
- P.O. Box 174, Show Low, AZ 85901
- Phone: (928) 537-4817
- Equipping Ministers: Joseph J. Johnson & Jon Boegl
- Sundays 9:00 a.m. ~ Contemporary Worship 8:30 a.m. &
10:30 a.m. ~ Children's Church 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
- Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
- 4839 Vallery Lane, Rt. 2 Box 1566A, Lakeside, AZ 85929
(Behind the Maverick Center)
- Phone - Office: (928) 368-5964
- Phone - Home: (928) 369-4521
- Pastor: Gerald G. Ditter
- Sunday School/Bible Class Youth Group 9:00 a.m. ~
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. ~ Monday Catechism
Instruction 5:00 p.m. ~ Tuesday Bible Class 7:00 p.m. ~
Thursday Bible Class 10:00 a.m. ~ (Youth activities
Scheduled Periodically)
- Lutheran Mission School - Cibecue
- Shepherd Of the Mountains Lutheran Church (LCMS)
- 2035 S. Penrod Ln., Pinetop-Lakeside, Az
- Phone: 367-1183
- Immanuel Lutheran Church (WELS) - Springerville
- Main Street, Springerville, AZ
- Phone: 333-2852
- Immanuel Lutheran Church (WELS) - Taylor
- 110 S. Main St., Taylor
- Phone: 536-2210
- Whiteriver Lutheran Church
- 18 W Oak. Whiteriver
- Phone: (928) 338-4200
- Calvary Chapel of The White Mountains
- Pinetop-Lakeside, Phone: 368-9014
- Bible Chapel - A Spirit Filled New Testament Church
- 411 N. 18th Place, Show Low, AZ 85901
- Phone: (928) 537-2407
- Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. ~ Sunday Evening Worship 6:00
p.m. ~ Wednesday Prayer & Praise 7:00 p.m.
- 11 South Hamblin - Eagar, Az
- Phone: 333-5284 - 333-4680
- Pastors Luke and Jo Gallagher Sunday School 9:30 -
Worship Service 10:30 Sunday Praise 6:00pm - Tuesday 6:00pm
- New Hope Christian Fellowship
- 701 S 8th Ave. Show Low
- Phone: (928) 537-0967
- Salvation Army
- 4367 W White Mtn Blvd 8A. Lakeside
- Phone: (928) 368-9953
- Unity of the White Mountains
- 257 N Woodland Rd. Lakeside
- Phone: (928) 367-0822
- Vernon Mission
- 1579 County Rd 3140. Vernon
- Phone: (928) 537-2839
Payson Area Churches "Other"
- Christian Science 474-6525 or 472-7043.
- Christıs Community Church East Wade and St. Philipıs,
- Christopher Creek Community Bible Fellowship - I.F.C.A. Hwy.
260, Christopher Creek, 472-6335.
- Church on Randall Place, SBC (in Pine) 6338 W. Randall
Place, P.O. Box 1032, Pine, AZ 85544, 472-6439, 476-4249. Email: Website:
- Community Presbyterian 800 W. Main St., 474-2059.
- Crossroads Foursquare Gospel Church 474-2602.
- Faith Lutheran Church - Overgaard 2750 Mogollon Drive,
Overgaard; 472-7062.
- Forest Lakes Community Church (Interdenominational) 417 Old
Rim Rd. (near Sheep Springs Rd.) in Chevlon Butte School Dist.
Bldg. (520) 535-5430.
- Gisela Community Church In Gisela, 474-2239.
- Grace Bible Fellowship P.O. Box 172, Young, 85554, 462-3101.
- High Country Christian Fellowship 255604 E. Hwy 260,
Payson, AZ in Star Valley. 468-1328
- Holy Nativity Cathedral Anglican-Catholic Parish 1414 N.
Easy St. (Bradley and Easy Street), 474-2660.
- Iglesia Evangelica Libre 302 E. Rancho Rd., 468-8831,
474-2535. Kohl's Ranch Open-Air Chapel Just east of Kohl's Ranch
Lodge, 478-4633, 474-5440.
- Marriage Ministries International Call 474-9010 for more
- Mount Cross Lutheran 601 E. Hwy. 260, 474-2552. Rev. Ed
Blair, interim pastor.
- Mountain Bible Church 302 E. Rancho Road, 472-7800. New Life
Foundation Hwy. 87 (next to Windmill Corner Inn), Strawberry,
- Payson Center for Spiritual Awareness 107 W. Wade Ln. #2,
474-9424 messages only, 472-2144 information.
- Payson Christian Church 501 E. Rancho Rd., 474-3138.
- Payson Christian Fellowship Meeting at Seventh-Day
Adventist Church, 700 E. Wade Ln., 468-1306. Pastor Frank
- Payson First Assembly of God 1100 W. Lake Drive, 474-2302.
- Payson Light Workers Call 474-3515 for class times and
- Payson United Methodist Church 414 N. Easy St., 474-0485.
- Phoenix Rising For locations and more information, call
Viki at 472-4515.
- Precept Ministries International Pastor John Lake 476-4249,
Simone Lake 472-6439, Theresa Purtee 478-4337, Barbara Rush
474-9673 or Alana Wallace 472-7689.
- Rim Christian Church of Mesa del Mesa del Caballo Clubhouse,
- Rim Valley Church of God 208 S. McLane (across from Payson
High School), 474-5449
- Rock of Ages Evangelical Lutheran Church (Wisconsin Synod)
204 W. Airport Rd. (corner of Airport Rd. and N. McLane),
- Sacred Presence New Thought Church 216 W. Main St.,
468-6021. Dr. Annell?enson and Rev. Kathleen Frierdich,
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church 1000 N. Easy Street, 474-3834.
Rev. Norman C. Burke, Vicar.
- St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 511 S. St. Philip
Street, 474-2392.
- Seventh-day Adventist 700 E. Wade, 472-7080.
- Shepherd of the Pines Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) 507
W. Wade Lane; 474-5440, 474-7449, Dial a Devotion 474-0244.
- Shepherd of the Pines United Methodist Church - Overgaard
3015 Highway 277, Overgaard, (928) 535-5208. Pastor Noni Dye
- Strawberry Chapel in the Pines Fossil Creek Road,
Strawberry, 476-3893.
- Thy Kingdom Come Call 474-6491 for this month's host church.
- Tonto Basin Bible Church Hwy. 188 off Dryer Dr., Tonto
Basin, Pastor Robert Melotti, (928) 479-2299.
- Tonto Creek Shores/Tonto Valley Bible Church Lots 240-241
Valley View Road, Gisela, 474-1360.
- Victory Chapel of Payson 501 W. Main St., Suite B, 474-9415.
- Way of the Heart For more information and location, call
The Radical Healing Center at 472-4700 and ask for Pat Rollins.
- United Pentecostal Church of the White Mountains
- 4548 Show Low lake Rd., Show Low, AZ
- Phone: 532-0941
- Presbyterian Community Church
- HC66, Box 9065, Pinetop, AZ 85935
- Phone: (928) 367-4923
- Pastor: Richard D. Madden
- Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. ~ Summer Schedule 8:30 a.m. &
10:30 a.m. ~ Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
- Presbyterian Community Church - Springerville
- 41 Supai Dr., Springerville, Az
- Phone: 333-4970
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
- Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints
- P.O. Box 1441, Show Low, AZ 85901
- Day Phone: (928) 537-7014
- Evenings: (928) 537-7187
- Pastor: Betty Wood
- Sunday Worship Service (Call for Location) 10:30 a.m.
Seventh Day Adventist
- Seventh Day Adventist Church
- 701 S. 8th Avenue, P.O. Box 1102, Show Low, AZ 85901
- Phone: (928) 537-5663
- Pastor: Steve Tatum
- Sabbath (Saturday) 9:15 a.m. ~ Sabbath School 9:15 a.m.
~ Worship Service 11:00 a.m. ~ Prayer Meeting (Wednesday)
7:00 p.m.
Southern Baptist Churches
- Southern Baptist Church - Alpine
- 42926 US Hwy. 180, Alpine, AZ
- Phone: 339-4700
- Southern Baptist Church - Concho
- 79 County Rd. 5053 Concho Valley, Concho, AZ
- Phone: 337-2851
- Southern Baptist Church - Holbrook
- 360 1st Avenue, Holbrook
- Phone: 524-2555
- Southern Baptist Church - Valley View
- 301 N. 1st East, Snowflake, Az
- Phone: 536-2327
- Southern Baptist Church - Whiteriver
- Wilderness Baptist Church (SBC) located
next to the U.S. Post Office in Vernon, Arizona. Our desire is
to minister to you and your loved ones and to help strengthen
your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Jon D. Schendel Tel.
(928) 532-1272 (Church) /(928) 333-5940 (Residence) /
1-800-769-6388 (Toll Free)
- First Southern Baptist Church
- 302 S. Ash, 474-3374.
- Payson.
United Methodist
- The White Mountain United Methodist
- 261 N. Fifth Street, Show Low, AZ 85901 (Turn South
from the Deuce of Clubs on 5th. The church is at the top of
the hill)
- Phone: (928) 537-4827
- Parsonage: (928) 537-7008
- Pastor: Michael Higgs
- Sunday (Informal Worship) 8:00 a.m. ~ Sunday School
9:00 a.m. ~ Sunday (Traditional Worship) 10:30 a.m.
- Shepherd of the Pines United Methodist Church
- 3015 Hwy 277. Overgaard
- Sunday 9:00 a.m
- Phone: (928) 535-5208
Unity Churches
- Unity of the White Mountains, Affiliated with the "Daily
- P.O. Box 3293, 761 E. McNeil (Show Low Junior High),
Show Low, AZ 85901
- Phone & Prayer Request Line: (928) 368-8517
- Spiritual Leader: Kymberly Rhyner
- Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. ~ Children's Program 10:30